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S61 Evening Meet Ups in the Royal Maritime Club, Queen Street, Portsmouth

The Royal Maritime ClubThese are organised by Bob Daubeney on the second Wednesday evening of every January, May and September in the Royal Maritime Club, just a few minutes walk from the ferry and railway station.

Next one will be 8th January 2025.

1 May 2024

Received the following from Bob Daubeney:

 We were due to meet on Wednesday 8th May, sadly just after our last meet, in January, the George Hotel in Queen Street closed its doors.  The closest venue is the Royal Maritime Club, virtually next door and I think will suit our needs.  No need to be a member, all are welcome. 

12 January 2024

First the good news.  The evening meet up in The George on the 10th was very well attended, twelve altogether.  A very enjoyable evening.  Next one will be Wednesday the 8th of May.

Now the bad news.  I'm never sure whether to announce Crossing The Bar on here or not, especially when it's only just happened and I don't necessarily know the people or the families in question.  It's been a while now so I feel it OK to announce it on here for the benefit of those that don't know and aren't on Ken Morrisons mailing list.

I'm sorry to say that two of our number Crossed The Bar towards the end of last year.

First, was John Waddington on the 7th October 2023.  John was in Cooke Division and a recat from stoker.  He subsequently went on to HMS Caledonia to become an ERA and was last living in Ringwood.  He had been ill for some time, but had been coping.  Then on Sunday the 1st October he fell and broke his hip, underwent surgery but didn't survive. He died peacefully.


Then, on 13th December 2023, Jeff Marshall.  Jeff too was in Cooke Division and in S61 by virtue of having been in S62A Class.  He too went on to HMS Caledonia to become an ERA and then on leaving the service in 1990 was an Instructor Officer. He had a fall and banged his head some weeks before the 13th, however everything seemed OK.  On the evening of Friday the 8th he had a seizure at home and on arrival at hospital he was placed in an induced coma due to a blood clot on the stem of the brain.  He never came out of it.

11 September 2023

Hardly believable, but it's 56 years today! Hope you're all keeping well.

23 April 2023

of Wafoo Greenies and Pinkies at Duxford recently.

10 March 2023

Two more names added to the Bennett class photo.   Any more?.

24 January 2023

More names added to the Bennett class photo.  Six to go and one on the other one.

28 December 2022

On the Class Photos page, we now have the missing Bennett New Entry photograph. Need some names for it and one name for the other Bennett photograph.

27 December 2022

It is with deep regret we inform you that Dave Ellams 'Crossed the Bar' on December 5th 2022. Dave too joined in Cooke Division and subsequently went on to HMS Caledonia.

An email with more information has gone out to all those on Ken Morrisons mailing list. If you would like a copy, please contact Ken through S61 HMS CALEDONIA OLD BOYS REUNIONS

13 January 2021

It is with deep regret we inform you that Al Baker has 'Crossed the Bar'. Al joined in Cooke Division and subsequently went on to HMS Caledonia. Lately he had been living with his family in Southampton.

An email with more information has gone out to all those on Ken Morrisons mailing list. If you would like a copy, please contact Ken through S61 HMS CALEDONIA OLD BOYS REUNIONS

6 June 2020

No Smoking
of no-one smoking in T4 Mess, HMS Fisgard!!

5 June 2020

Caledonia Footballers
of Finalists in the '7 a Side' Competition.

S60 Shipwrights v S61 Shipwrights

3 June 2020

Assault Course
from the assault course in HMS Raleigh. Again, they're not great quality but some of the faces are easier to see in these ones. Looks like Bennett and Cooke.

7 May 2020

Many of you will have joined the RNEBS at Fisgard and, almost certainly, some of you will have lost contact.

In 2022 the Society is celebrating 150 years since its founding. A special one-off event will take place in the form of a Gala Dinner to be held at a location TBC during that year. As happened for Artificer150 back in May 2018, there is a dedicated web page on this RNEBS 150 web site set up for expressions of interest, likely venues, menus, costs, table layouts etc.

For RNEBS members, please email Mark Stevens at with your name and class number to register an expression of interest. Click HERE to see who has already registered.

Hope that you are all keeping well and staying safe.

30 April 2020

Gives me great pleasure to welcome Reg Elsworth back to the fold today - you may know him as Keith. See Messages board where Keith has made an entry.

10 January 2020

The George
from an evening meet up in The George on 8th January 2020

13 October 2019

Assault Course
from the assault course in HMS Raleigh. Not great quality unfortunately but colour!

28 September 2019

John North Book A Book by John North, originally in Lane Division.

Sons of Tubal Cain is a comprehensive history of the evolution of Artificers in the Royal Navy from the introduction of the Engine Room Artificer in 1868 right through to the last class of Artificers to Pass Out from HMS Sultan in 2010. Told with anecdotes, memories and all sorts of stories from Artificers themselves in both war and peace, the book is narrated with humour and affection on the author's part, as he was himself as an Artificer.

This history follows the introduction of the different trades that the Royal Navy required as the technology became more sophisticated, with the introduction of the Electrical Artificer in 1901, the need for Ordnance Artificers and, strangely, the introduction of the Shipwright Artificer as the last trade to join in 1947. It includes the evolution of the Boy Artificer, Jackie Fisher's 'Second to None' in 1903 through all the establishments associated with Artificers and the differing training regimes that changed over the years as the technical requirements of the ships in the fleet altered.

There are many contributions from retired Artificers, serving Artificers and also from relatives of Artificers, going back as far as 1871, with many memories that show how engineering in the Royal Navy changed and what it required of its highly trained personnel during the past 150 years. The foreword has been supplied by the Chief Naval Engineer Officer, Rear Admiral Rick Thompson CBE.

The book is available from Troubador Publishing.

About John North

John joined the Royal Navy as an Artificer Apprentice in 1967 at HMS Fisgard, (S61 - Lane Division) originally as an Ordnance Electrical Artificer eventually retiring in 2001 as a Warrant Officer Marine Engineering Artificer (Electrical). He served in a variety of ships, from HMS Albion, HMS Exmouth, HMY Britannia, HMS Arrow, to HMS Antrim in the Falklands War, HMS Brazen and finally in HMS Illustrious.

On shore he served with Flag Officer Sea Training in both Portland and Plymouth, the final years of his service were spent in MOD at Foxhill. Starting academic study rather late in life he has a BSc in Mathematics and Applied Physics and since retirement in 2006 has gained a BA (Hons) in History, both with the Open University and a Masters Degree in Naval History with the University of Portsmouth.

17 May 2019

Photograph from an S61 meet-up in The George on Queen Street in Portsmouth, 8 May 2019.

The George

28 February 2019

Photograph of part of Bennett Division at the Passing In Parade.

Bennett Passing In

18 January 2019

Photographs from an S61 meet-up in The George on Queen Street in Portsmouth, 9 January 2019.

The George

13 January 2019

I was very sorry to hear yesterday that Andy Blagg Crossed the Bar in November 2018.

See Messages board for a post by Mike Batho.

This photograph was taken when he was in Cooke Division.

5 January 2019

Today I received the very sad news that Jan Temme Crossed the Bar just before Christmas. Jan was in Lane Division in Fisgard and went to Collingwood to train as a CEA. He left the Service in 1991.

His wife Liz asks that we don't contact her in the short term whilst his family come to terms with their loss.

His funeral will take place at Efford Crematorium, Efford Road, Plymouth PL3 6NG at 13:15 on Friday 11th of January and there will be a wake at Plymstock Bowling Club, 69 Furzehatt Rd, Plymouth PL9 8QY.

He doesn't want a fuss, no flowers and for everyone to wear something that is comfortable. Any colour you feel as black is not obligatory!

Jan Temme
This photograph was taken in 1971 when Jan was serving on HMS Aurora with Al Witt in Singapore.

22 November 2018

It is with great regret that I must inform you that John Smissen Crossed the Bar on 16 Nov 18, following a recent diagnosis with lung cancer.

Please see Messages board for Johns funeral arrangements posted by Ken Morrison.

26 October 2018

There is currently a book being written by John North, who was a 1967 entry Tiff and classmate of WO Pete Bellamy, the FISGARD WOMEA in the early 90's, documenting the history of Artificers across their century and a half of existence.

See Messages board for more on this from Pincher Martin.

11 September 2018

51 Years! Happy Anniversary! I hope you're all well.

14 August 2018

It is with great regret that I must inform you that Mike (aka Mick or Shonk) Hartley Crossed the Bar on 2 August 2018 following a long battle with cancer.

His funeral took place in Sunderland on 22 August 2018.

See Messages board for a report posted by Ken Morrison.

2 July 2018

Saw this on the HMS Collingwood Facebook page today.

Good Afternoon,

By way of introduction I am Pete Simpson and am currently serving as the OiC of Triumph Squadron at HMS Raleigh which you may well remember as the 'Fire School'. I joined the RN as an Artificer Apprentice in 1986 and whilst I didn?t serve in HMS Fisgard or HMS Caledonia I am very proud of my Artificer training.

As you may know, the Government has marked 2018 as the Year of Engineering and the RN is playing it's part in this in many ways. As the majority of Naval Engineering ratings since WW2 commenced their careers in Torpoint either in Fisgard or Raleigh then it is only right that we here play our part. To that end on 28 September we will be holding an open day for RN Engineers past and present who joined up in Torpoint. The day will involve a tour of the present Phase 1 training site, a buffet lunch in the WO & SR mess followed by witnessing the Passing Out of a large number of Engineering Technicians. It is also hoped that we will be able to mark the day with the refurbishment and return to Torpoint of the Fisgard Clock which is currently in storage in the dockyard.

Would you be able to help me publicise this event amongst your members by announcing it on your website and within your magazine? If possible, can I humbly ask if your association would be able to make a donation towards the refurbishment of the clock? We have already secured some funding for this but still have some way to go in order to be able to achieve our aim.


Pete Simpson
WO1 MEA Pete Simpson
OiC Triumph Squadron
School of Maritime Survivability
PL11 2PD

Mil - 9375 41307
Civ - 01752 811307
Civ -
Personal -

6 May 2018

I received the sad news today that Pete Ough, formerly of Bennett crossed the bar recently.

Pete was in S62A and left the service whilst at Collingwood and my information is that he had been suffering from cancer.

He is second from the left in the bottom row in this photograph.

6 April 2018

Profile update for Simon Dyer on the Lane page.

31 March 2018

Profile update for John Miller on the Frew page.

14 January 2018

Photographs from an S61 meet-up in The George on Queen Street in Portsmouth, 10 January 2018.

The George

POSTSCRIPT: The thumbnail image on the left is John Shields. Sadly, John passed away suddenly on March 26th. It's not going to be the same without you John, we'll all miss you.

23 November 2017

Got this in an email from Ken Morrison yesterday.

Our very own Bob Daubeney will appear on the 'Celebrity Antiques Road Trip', BBC2 at 1900 on Thursday 30th November.

I believe that this was filmed on board HMS WARRIOR a few weeks before the organisation's reorganisation made him redundant!

7 November 2017

Photographs taken by Mike Batho at the 50th Anniversary Reunion

50th Anniversary 50th Anniversary 50th Anniversary 50th Anniversary

30 October 2017

Photographs taken by John Parker at the 50th Anniversary Reunion

50th Anniversary 50th Anniversary

1 October 2017

50 Years
Photographs taken by Gordon Morris at the 50th Anniversary Reunion in Portsmouth.


Photos from the Golden Anniversary reunion are now available on the Purple & Grey Empire web site at There are also photos from the 2017 Army/Navy rugby lunch on the same page.

12 July 2017

Ray Ashby
Photograph taken in the Royal Festival Hall, LONDON, 15th May 2017.

Ray Ashby was awarded The Honorary Degree, Bachelor of Education.

2 March 2017

I received this interesting email a few days ago and with Allans permission have reproduced it here. I've also invited Allan to come along to one of the Wednesday meet ups in The George so you never know - shipmates yet!!

Subject: Almost a shipmate!

Dear Tufty,

I came across your website a couple of years ago and have finally got around to making contact! My name is Allan Bouckley and I was scheduled to join HMS Fisgard on 11th September 1967............

I was a Sea Cadet and wanted very much to join the RN as an Artificer Apprentice. I went through all the selection procedure and had been accepted subject to "O" level results. My problem was that my parents were dead against me joining and made me promise not to leave school without good "O" levels.

I failed maths during the summer exams so postponed Fisgard and returned to retake and pass maths in November. Looking back, the moment was lost. By then, more parental pressure resulted in me joining P and O as an engineer apprentice.

I spent two years at Southampton (OND), one year at sea then a final year workshop trading. I qualified as a Junior Engineer and spent 7 months on the Liner Oriana before transferring to Overseas Containers Limited. I then spent the next 12 years on Container Ships to Australia, NZ and the Far East. I left in 1985.

I had a good career but many times wondered what might have been. My heart really had been with the RN. It would be good to hear from you and perhaps swap experiences and maybe even make a mate in the other Navy!

Best wishes

Allan Bouckley

13 January 2017

The George on 11 Feb 2017
Photograph from an S61 meet-up in The George on Queen Street in Portsmouth, 11 February 2017 to discuss the forthcoming 50th Anniversary Reunion.

9 January 2017

HMS Aveley S62A
Had an email from Glenn Mackie who tells me that the missing name on this photo of S62A on HMS Aveley is him, sitting right at the back.

Thanks for that Glenn - another piece of the jigsaw!

5 October 2016

CALEDONIA OLD BOYS' 2016 MINI-REUNION: The Report of Proceedings for the reunion held at Balloch, Scotland on the weekend of 9-11 September is now available on the Purple & Grey Empire web site at

26 August 2016

Photographs taken on HMS Rapid and HMS Saintes, training ships at HMS Caledonia

HMS Rapid HMS Rapid HMS Rapid HMS Rapid HMS Rapid

22 August 2016

Missing name on the Bennett Class photo is Glyn Gostick! Front row next to Al Witt.

Anyone got the missing photo?

Bennett 1

19 August 2016

New photographs sent to me by Fritt Belfitt, formerly of Bennett and Collingwood.

Fowey Regatta Fowey Regatta S61 at HMS Collingwood Left S61 at HMS Collingwood Right Christmas Menu 1967 Christmas Menu 1967 Christmas Menu 1967

28 July 2016

The George 28 July 2016
A photograph taken at an S61 Meet-Up in The George on Queen Street 28 July 2016.

13 May 2016

Tom Taylor's remains were cremated on Thursday 12 May at 1430 at Baldarroch Chapel & Crematorium, Crathes, Banchory, AB31 5QR.

1 May 2016


I am informed by Ken Morrison that Tom Taylor 'Crossed the Bar' this morning, Sunday 1st May 2016 and draw your attention to the messages board.

Tom was originally in Bennett Division.

18 February 2016

Some reunion photographs of Greenie Waffoos from Roy Lusted.

Greenie Waffoos Reunion November 2015 Greenie Waffoos Reunion November 2015 Greenie Waffoos Reunion November 2015

31 December 2015

Happy New Year!

24 November 2015

Finally, some news!! Had an email from Al Witt, formerly Bennett and Collingwood REA.

He's just found the site for the first time and tells me he is retired now and living in Ferndown. If anyone would like his email address, drop me a line and I'll pass it on.

23 May 2014

Received an email from Bob Daubeney this week with the sad news that Pete Jakeman lost his life whilst on holiday in Derbyshire on the 14th May.

Pete was in Cooke Division with me and I remember him well.

There is a report HERE

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